Preaching the Christ of Scripture

SUNDAY SCHOOL: (Sunday after Labor Day through Last Sunday in May)
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM

The Lord’s Day – March  23, 2025


Please enter the sanctuary in silence, prepare yourself to join with this assembly in the worship of Almighty God. Out of respect for other worshipers, we kindly ask that all electronic devices be turned off or muted.

Approach to the Lord

.Silent Prayer
*Call to Worship:
Psalm 101:1 (pg. 931)
*Hymn # 101B LORD, I Will Worship You
*Gloria Patri # 572
Confession of Sin: Isaiah 53:6 (pg. 1144)
Responsive Reading of the Law – Opposite Page
Assurance of Pardon: Isaiah 53:3-5, 6b-7 (pg. 1144)
*Hymn # 342 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted

Proclamation of the Word of God

*Prayer for Illumination
*Old Covenant: Deuteronomy 22:13-23:8 (pg. 303-304)
*New Covenant Reading: 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 (Pg. 1758-1759)
  Sermon: “Church Discipline”

Response to the Word of God

*Hymn #101A Of Steadfast Love and Justice, LORD
*Confession of Faith: The Heidelberg Cat. Lord’s Day 12 Q. 31-32 (pg. 877))
  Prayer of Intercession and the Lord’s Prayer
  Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
*Doxology #567 and Prayer of Thanksgiving

Communion with the Lord

  Words of Institution and Exhortation
. Partaking of the Elements with Prayer
* Hymn #
198 Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured
* Silent Prayer
* Postlude

* Congregation standing for those who are able
Childcare available for children 3 years old and younger.


Confession of Sin:

O Lord, do not rebuke us in Your wrath, nor chasten us in Your hot displeasure! For Your arrows pierce us deeply, and Your hand presses us down. There is no soundness in our flesh because of Your anger, nor is there any health in our bones because of our sin. For our iniquities have gone over our heads; like a heavy burden they are too heavy for us. Lord, all our desire is before You; and our sighing is not hidden from You. For we will declare our iniquity, we will be in anguish over our sin. Do not forsake us, O Lord; O our God, be not far from us! Make haste to help us, O Lord, our salvation! (Psalm 38:1-4,9,18,21-22)


                     WLC Q. 168. What is the Lord’s Supper?
A. The Lord’s supper is a sacrament of the New Testament, wherein, by giving and receiving bread and wine according to the appointment of Jesus Christ, his death is showed forth; and they that worthily communicate feed upon his body and blood, to their spiritual nourishment and growth in grace; have their union and communion with him confirmed; testify and renew their thankfulness, and engagement to God, and their mutual love and fellowship each with other, as members of the same mystical body. The inner two rings of cups are grape juice. Bread is gluten free.


                         Sunday Evening Service

     Let us all return with spiritual expectation to meet with the Lord in our evening service of prayer, praise, and thanksgiving

5:30 Prayer Service – 6:00 Evening Service


*Call to Worship: Psalm 103:1-4 (pg. 933)
*Hymn: # 275 Arise, My Soul, Arise
*OC Reading: Psalm 119:121-128 (pg. 957)
*NC Reading: Hebrews 7:20-28 (pg. 1839)
Sermon: “Enduring in a Hostile World”
*Hymn: # 475 Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode
*Closing Prayer
*Silent Prayer

                    Announcements for March 23, 2025
*                  Please visit our church website at

Mon, March 31st – Drill 6:30 – 8:30pm

Wed, March 26th – Prayer Meeting: 7:30 – 8:30pm @ Rev. Creel’s home

Fri. March 28th – Women’s Fellowship: 6:00 – 8:30pm @ APC
     Soup, salad, bread and dessert.

Sat. April 12th – Men’s Breakfast 8:00 – 10:00 am

Refreshments Mch   23 – Karen Armor
Mch   30 – Ethel Sharpe
Apr      6 – JoAnn Wilson
Ushers Mch   23 – Bob Belanger, William Fournier
Mch   30 – David Petersons, Jimmy Snowden
Apr      6 – Stefan Greenewald, Daniel Lascaze
Nursery Mch   23 – Crystal Phelps, Charlotte Fournier
Mch   30 – Karen Armor Elizabeth Creel
Apr      6 – Janelle Robinson, Nancy Williams