Preaching the Christ of Scripture
SUNDAY SCHOOL: (Sunday after Labor Day through Last Sunday in May)
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM
The Lord’s Day – Jan 19, 2025
Please enter the sanctuary in silence, prepare yourself to join with this assembly in the worship of Almighty God. Out of respect for other worshipers, we kindly ask that all electronic devices be turned off or muted.
Approach to the Lord
.Silent Prayer
*Call to Worship: Psalm 48:1, 11
*Hymn # 48A Great is the LORD Our God
*Gloria Patri # 572
Confession of Sin: Matthew 7:24-27
Responsive Reading of the Law – Opposite Page
Assurance of Pardon: Psalm 18:2
*Hymn # 459 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
Proclamation of the Word of God
*Prayer for Illumination
*Old Covenant: Malachi 3
*New Covenant Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:10-15
Sermon: “A Wise Master Builder”
Response to the Word of God
*Hymn # 402 Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
*Confession of Faith: The Heidelberg Cat. Lord’s Day 3 Q.6-9 (pg.873)
Prayer of Intercession and the Lord’s Prayer
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
*Doxology #567 and Prayer of Thanksgiving
Communion with the Lord
Words of Institution and Exhortation
. Partaking of the Elements with Prayer
* Hymn # 404 The Church’s One Foundation
* Benediction
* Silent Prayer
* Postlude
* Congregation standing for those who are able
Childcare available for children 3 years old and younger.
Confession of Sin
Eternal Father, You are good beyond all thought, but we are vile, wretched, miserable, blind; Our lips are ready to confess, but our hearts are slow to feel and our ways reluctant to amend. We bring our souls to You. Break them, wound them, bend them, mold them. Unmask to us sin’s deformity, that we may hate it, abhor it, flee from it. Our abilities have been weapons of revolt against You; As rebels we have misused our strength, and served the foul adversary of Your kingdom. Give us grace to bewail our senseless folly; Grant us to know that the way of transgression is hard; That evil paths are wretched paths; That to depart from You is to lose all good. We have seen the purity and beauty of Your perfect law, the happiness of those in whose hearts it reigns, the calm dignity of the walk to which it calls; Yet daily we violate and condemn its precepts. All these sins we mourn, lament, and for them cry, “Pardon.” Work in us more profound and abiding repentance; Give us the fulness of a godly grief which is ever powerful, and ever confident; Grant that our repentance will enable us to see more clearly the glory and brightness of the cross of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
WLC Q. 168. What is the Lord’s Supper?
A. The Lord’s supper is a sacrament of the New Testament, wherein, by giving and receiving bread and wine according to the appointment of Jesus Christ, his death is showed forth; and they that worthily communicate feed upon his body and blood, to their spiritual nourishment and growth in grace; have their union and communion with him confirmed; testify and renew their thankfulness, and engagement to God, and their mutual love and fellowship each with other, as members of the same mystical body.
The inner two rings of cups are grape juice. Bread is gluten free.
No Sunday Evening Service
- (Due to Annual Meeting)
Announcements for Jan 19, 2025
* Please visit our church website at
Today: Fellowship Lunch and Annual Meeting – Following
* Morning Worship. No Evening Service.
* No Nursing Home Ministry today.
* Annual Report and Financials are available at Church Social
* Printed copies on table in refreshment area.
Fellowship Lunch Themes: We will bring back some themes for
every other fellowship lunch! January is “Chili and Chocolate,
March is Italian and May is Mexican. Optional and fun!”Mon, Jan. 20th – Drill meets 6:30 – 8:30 @ APC
Wed, Jan 22nd – Prayer Meeting 7:30 – 8:30 @ Creel’s home
Fri, Jan 24th – Women’s Fellowship: 6:00pm to 8:30pm
Pie night and games!
Sat, Jan 25th – Sledding @ Donati Field Hooksett 10:000 – 12:00
Wed, Jan 29th – Bible Study 7:30 – 9:30 @ Garneau’s home